Change Indicator
The Change Indicator is a tool that supports change processes in an organisation. During such processes, it is necessary to track how they are perceived and whether obstacles in achieving the desired change exist. The tool analyses and summarizes the feedback from the employees about how they perceive the management of the change process. It becomes your early warning system, making change effects measurable and visible.
The tool analyses what really works and helps focus investments in areas with proven impact.
How does it work?
- With a 12-question survey and two open comments, 13 KPIs are generated periodically. They help tracking the change process within a company.
- The questions analyze the factors which can be influenced by a change in the leaders’ behavior.
- The employees answer the questions monthly or every three months.
- The feedback of different departments can be compared.
Reviewer Score
5 / 5
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5
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- Provides insight on how a change process is currently perceived
- Makes the effects of change measurable and visible
- It enables you to keep the momentum of the change initiative
- Allows benchmarking in the organization
- You find out where in the organization change progresses and where not
- Creates accountability for change
- The tool can be adapted to your corporate design and modified to your special requirements and can be used
- All employees can be involved by using their own devices
The Change Indicator is the best assistant during change processes. It provides valuable insight on how a change process is perceived by the employees. With a quick 12-question survey, the tool analyzes whеther there are any potential obstacles in the path of the change process. It also shows how a change in the leader’s behavior would influence the process and the attitudes.
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App Details
Type: iOS, Android, Web app
Languages: English
Release date:

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